im so boring rite now
and tajuk mcm gempak
and i dont have new topic to post in here
so i decided to story-mory sket pasal my edu.
places where created me as who i am
places where give a lots of memory
places where i make friends and learn how to respect people
eventho im quite rude when i was young*ok skrg pon young lagi =.=
and threating people badly
skrg da kureng sket*maybe heee
im still trying to improve myself
hijrah from bad to good for sure
in any single aspects
in any angle of me
and the important is places where my future life being decided
im still on my way
its all on me
before that i would like to tag these people to share with me ur edu history
buat tau!
firstly my tadika tik tik tok
if im not mistaken it was 1996
when i was 6 years old
so bad
no batch pic for tadika tik tik tok
its located at tmn coperasi cuepacs,kajang
i think theres no more tadika tik tik tok
and im wondering why. its a coolest tadika ever
is sekolah kebangsaan seri sekamat
its located at seri sekamat kajang
im study here since 1997 till 2002
from standard 1 until standard 6
its my primary school
best gak
most of my cousie studies here
for real
bola baling ^.^
lagu patriotik
hehe otai tu

then pas standard 6 tu
ive got strait A's*eceh mcm hape je so its realy change my life
something tht i could not expect
form 1 till- form 5
im going to boarding school
study dekat sekolah berasrama penuh integrasi gombak
amik sains tulen
5 years in boarding school soo soo tepu.
from 2003-2007
im so fucking resah
rase nak balek je
tp yg best dekat situ is my friendssss
i love my friends
memory kat situ mmg banyak ahh nak cite mmg takan abes kt sini

then pas tu bile da masok 18 taun
i sambung plak kat kolej matrikulasi melaka
of cos kat londang melaka
sains hayat
best sgt
tp pemalas harhar
around 2008-2009
setahun je
tp otak mmg tahi abes la
the syllabus die mmg pack
sbb tu ade gak yg hamper bunuh diri blajar kat matrik
imagine tht 3.5 years diploma syllabus is in one years
ramai yg study awal2*good
and ramai yg study last minit*meeee :DD

then after matrik im continuing my degree dekat
multimedia university at cyberjaya
around 2009-2010
and i took accountancy
ramai yg tanya kenape?
sbb 7 tahun bergelumang dgn biology,chemistry and physics
sudenly no basic account then amek account
sbb despret gila tanak pegi UMS,dekat sabah
wei gile la tanak duduk hostel lagila
jauh plak tuuuu
nuuun sane tu
tak sangup mak*
then i surrender amek accountancy
sbb mmg tak masok ahh
org lain yg dgree account sume mostly like kacang gile jawab exam
and aku mcm terkial2 lagi nak blaja basic
and its so fucking hard for me yg pemalas ni
im swear!
in 2010 i decided to tuka balek ke tempat asal
medic field.no more accountancy lagi
and i choose masterskill university college of health sciences
sbb ianya dekat dgn umah
5 minit
and i dont have to stay hostel*the most likely
so travel from kajang to sg long skrg ni
at mahkota cheras
and sgt dekat ok
btw im doing my degree here alhamdulillah
medical imaging & radiotherpy
from my own estimated ill graduate in 2014
insyallah if i put more effort in my study
awww, selalu nampak bus masterskill tau. pagi tadi pergi breakfast dekat bukit dukung pun, nampak lagi bus dia. haha. okay nanti aku buat tag.HAHA
ecece pamdai tag tag org heee. nnt aku buat! ;p
hihi. ada gak point aku nak hapdet blog. err..nt la aku buad..hahhaha
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