owh yah
this is our first time enter masterskil x ray room.
sblom ni we wont be able to enter sbb dlm proses installation new x ray machine
kan i penah cite diorg buat tempat baru ntok kami2
so blom teruja lagi sgt laaa
sbb ktorg just amek ukuran bilik
every single thing kene amek measurement
aku maybe akan excited kalu masok bilik yg ade LINAC or cyber-knife machine huhuh demand yaww


tgh exercise

tak nampak muke sobsssssss

buat2 rajin
overall not bad.
tp mase skejap sgt.sbb dtg lambat and amek gamba
so ktorg x dpt nak menghayati sgt la bilik tu sbenanye kan kan kan.HAHA
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