the burfday girl
(: ratna n izza :)
(: ratna n izza :)

the cake
hancur sblom di rasmikan haha
choclate banana is deliciousss
kne beli yg fresh kalu tak pisang dlm tu lebam
(advice from ex secrete recipe worker) XD haha

my hand ;) interframe

MMU people

sopan kan

mcm ikan duyung tak??

the view
cantek banget
location:cyber park infront of main enterance MMU gate
korg bole release tension kat sini
sgt tenang k
anyway tanx for the foods :)
cantek banget
location:cyber park infront of main enterance MMU gate
korg bole release tension kat sini
sgt tenang k
anyway tanx for the foods :)
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